Thursday, May 28, 2009

Animals Are People Too?
Given that the evolutionary view has soup->bacteria->monkeys->humans, shouldn't the slogan be "People are animals, too"? Or "Amphibians are bacteria, too"? Or.....

And I think you're spot on, Nathan.

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Sotomayor: “Court is where policy is made.”

The greater context does shed better light on the quote. I’m not comforted by the greater context, though. It’s still simply swinging the pendulum completely in the other direction. The view she (properly) derides is based on one thinking they were superior over the other. Her view is based on exactly the same thing, only the opposite side. Judge Sotomayor’s words:

Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences, a possibility I abhor less or discount less than my colleague Judge Cedarbaum, our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging. Justice O'Connor has often been cited as saying that a wise old man and wise old woman will reach the same conclusion in deciding cases... I am also not so sure that I agree with the statement. First, as Professor Martha Minnow has noted, there can never be a universal definition of wise. Second, I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life.

I agree with the viewpoint with which it sounded like she started. That being that diversity brings balanced decision making (or so it seemed to me). But then goes wrong, I think, by individualizing it and asserting superiority. I would also agree that there is not a universally agreed “wise decision”, but there is a universal “wise decision”.

I’m also not quite sure if I agree with the resignation to experiential, physiological or cultural bias or the resignation to judges making policy. Isn’t that at the root of what she is speaking against? The white male justices were resigned to a certain viewpoint, thus, just go with it. But, as with the above quote, I can see the angle she is taking. I think.

Again, though, all of that simply to come back to the fact that time will flesh out more information. And in the end, we pray, regardless of it being someone who is perfectly in line with our views or not.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sotomayor: “Court is where policy is made.”
I can't watch the video, so maybe there was a tone or some other mitigating factor, but it seems that the statement is saying that empathy should drive ruling and interpretation? I don't think I fully get the second way.

That said, it's one quote pulled from an interview (right?). Maybe time will reveal that other side of things.

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Friday, May 22, 2009

Talking about Talking about Abortion
I can handle the protestors being called, “Anti-abortion” protestors, but not Pro-life, because they are not. They are pro some lives, but not all.

I believe that was George Carlin, wasn't it ;-)?

I understand what that person is saying, however, to be consistent with that mentality, wouldn’t that necessarily preclude opposing all abortion? Given that some pregnancies that continue have a risk of death of the mother? They have also identified all war as unjust (think being attacked), etc. That’s a very difficult blanket statement to make, I think. And perhaps that falls in line with their thinking, I don't know.

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Obama’s Hypocritical Strategy on Abortion
Kevin J:

I had just read Justin Taylor quoting Yuval Levin:

Although it was certainly not his intention, the president’s remarks point to the profound and growing weakness of the case for America’s radical abortion laws.

John Knight (from Bethlehem Baptist) had a good response to the abortion rhetoric as well. His quote:

So, is that the point, Mr. President - we get to talk, but the underlying positions get to remain the same? The only thing that actually changes is we think a little more charitably about each other?

And he rightly points to a corollary issue:

When do we get to talk about how the behavior of men on virtually every measurable level has gotten worse since abortion was made legal across the United States?

And yes, I’m sure we all understand presence isn’t a proof of causation. Perhaps almost a chicken and egg thing.

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Kevin J:

Oh, yes, I agree. I was seconding your comment! At least I think so. I think that it could be we are seeing God's working to make evil actions turn out for good (combine the idea with the pollster's uptick in pro-life self-designation and it seems that way). So evil-to-good irony.


I think Dr. Burk has developed a new Kentucky bias against his new southern neighbor (ha ha).

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Monday, May 18, 2009

Obama Fails To Transcend Abortion Debate
Yikes, Chris. I think Darius illustrates the fallacy well (that you sum up with your #11: We can correspondingly conclude that abortion saves an unborn baby from the risk of hell., as if we have some bearing on salvation of others…role, yes, possibly, bearing, no.). And I agree, are you simply speaking in hyperbole or is that really your stance?

I suppose, though, those who want to provide some salve to their wounds of sin do so with whatever means they can. Just reminds me that you don’t throw a frog in a boiling pot. Or something like that.

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I suppose all I can say is wow. I believe in holding the judgment for God alone. You are attempting to usurp that (though you will fail at it).

I believe that your statement is a logical fallacy. I believe those precious humans have a right to live. My desire is that they would live a life devoted to Christ and kneel with me on judgment day to hear Him say well done good and faithful servant. The fact that someone may choose to be disobedient and deny Christ does not have any bearing on what I desire (nor even the desires of God, but that’s a much bigger subject). It’s a foolish equivocation and conclusion that you make.

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Zachary, Chris T and Chris Carter (I enjoyed watching you play for the Vikings….I’m sure you’ve NEVER heard that one before):

I think the difference in our views boils down to viewing these precious ones as humans. I am unwilling to call these humans 2/3rd’s human or anything less than just what they are. I would say that is a fundamental difference for us. One which makes me very narrow minded, I suppose. I think we have the tendency to find great comfort in not having to think about them as lives (and that is me being guilty as much as anyone). They are silent, so we don’t have to listen to any “real” arguments. It’s easier to view those lives as commodities that either enrich or lessen our quality of life, not as people that have any life at all. It’s easier to think of a ball of tissue than a potential life (that, to use CT’s argument, could turn out to bring someone to Christ….again, a bigger discussion). The more we stew in the juices of that darkened view, the deeper that sin goes.

BTW, comment 29 was supposed to be addressed to Chris Thompson.

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Friday, May 15, 2009

What's Your Line?
that he was in fact married.

Yikes! is right. IMVHO, I would say that the "pickup line" (which is a competitor to boundlessline, I think) foisted upon some random anonymous girl is foolish. I am a huge believer in observation and conversation. The crux, to me, about the fly-by pickup line is that it embodies the values that are so wrong for a relationship. In essence, that guy is saying "hey, you’re cute enough to date". So, in my mind, that would be a red flag to begin with (for a woman).

That being said, almost anything that a man says to a woman can, in fact, somehow be construed as a "pickup line". Innocent as a statement may be, sometimes a frame of mind on one party doesn’t match the other. When you’re in a group of friends and, as a man, you try to strike up that conversation, that may be considered a pickup line. But at that point, one would hope you have watched this woman (in a very non-stalkerish manner) demonstrate her love for the Lord, gentleness, etc. as opposed to the "she’s got a hot bod" mentality (which is seemingly the reson of the fly-by pickup line).

BTW, Lisa, you have the most beautiful black and white eyes I’ve ever seen, too.....oh, wait...

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Rob Bell Twittering the Gospel, Sort of
Bell is really good at talking (or twitting/writing) long enough to a) sound like he said something and b) say it in a nice way even if it was empty. I think Bell sums up his philosophy with this:

If there is a God, some sort of Divine Being, Mind, Spirit, and all of this is not just some random chance thing, and history has some sort of movement to it, and you have a connection with Whatever—that is awesome.

The splinter for me seems to be that many refer to relegating to an emotion and a feeling rather than the power of Christ and His message (e.g. we feel bad about things we do, not that it’s sin).

Several others had already said it on other sites (and, by the time this comment gets posted, probably here), but a slightly modified version of 1 Cor 15:3 – 4:

Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures…He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures

And why didn’t they call them twits ;-)?

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Texas Craig:

I’ll stick with two things. First, in a nutshell, we don’t rely on something like twitter, but it can certainly be utilized. Twitter (and facebook and e-mail and blog comments) can and should be used as tools, but the Gospel is not about how we state it or where. It’s not about us but about Hiim. Erik Raymond has a great post about making Christ appealing that is not exactly that subject, but that same thought and is spot on.

Second, I think that being concerned about the definition of “sin” and “spirit”, etc. is right. But if someone needs help with sin, salvation, etc., listening to Bell would be far more confusing (although, you would never hear Bell mention those words) since the answer to those questions aren’t in his statements. Bell has a doctrine, and holds to a theology, but never speaks of it or rather, speaks in hidden terms and unending questions (it seems Paul mentioned this to Timothy), is there really a doctrine there? And, while I am not the expert in Bell’s writings and sermons as you are, (in what I’ve read) his aversion to answering questions about beliefs seems to lean more towards shame of stating an absolute as opposed to questioning that, I would hope, is supposed to stimulate defense of the truth.

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Erik Raymond had a great post today about the message of the gospel. I modified for twitter format:

Not a call for us to get busy doing the best we can to please God but a call to realize our sinfulness, to trust one who truly pleases God

I just thought it was a good punch in the arm for me and possibly for others, too.

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My daughter sings a song and it’s a tweet (ha ha):

1 My God is savior
2 His name is Jesus
3 I’m gonna praise him 4 more more more…
1 My God is savior…..etc.

Anyone who knows that song and just sang it will now have it stuck in their heads hopefully :-).

I saw these at 9Marks and found them to be good:

Gospel Haiku

Pure God, sinful man.
Jesus took the penalty.
Trust him or face wrath.

Jesus never sinned, was punished for sin, came to life, and is returning to judge. Eternal life with him is given to all who repent.

By the substitutionary, atoning death of Jesus, God has begun the new creation by forgiving and regenerating all those who through faith repent and submit to Jesus.

I told God: go to Hell.
He did. And brought me out of it.
Knowing Jesus changes everything.

God is the maker, Sin be the plight
The creature is nothing, The Cross be sight
Fly to Christ, Believe and be contrite.

Because you have violated God's law(Rom3:23)you must repent of your sin(Luke13:5)and believe and trust in Jesus Christ alone(Rom10:9).

And, in the spirit of Mr. Bell, the tail end of one of the posts ended this way (note Christ is still woven into the generated conversation):

Also, I find that Twittering a question, about the Gospel, is more effective.
For example, "Do you think that that there is really only one way to heaven, through Jesus Christ?
This would invite a conversation.

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Friday, May 1, 2009

A Clarification about Plan B

I would submit that is akin to saying that we should legalize poisoning someone since, after all, it’s better than a violent death using a gun or a knife. That’s a very sad justification of sin.

You state it correctly that we (OK, well, I would say I hold the same view as Dr. Burk) don’t see human life beginnings equally. To hear your story is sad. I imagine it was extremely frustrating. But it saddens me to equivocate specific intent to destroy with God’s natural process.

Additionally, hasn’t Plan B had no impact on abortions where it has been used? I was thinking that was in the Times article. I’ll have to go look it up.

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Does this present an interesting juxtaposition of viewpoints:

Dr. Mohler:
No, the main issue in the FDA policy is this -- safe from parental supervision. The morning after pill is now a potent symbol of the end of parenthood as we know it.

Plan B proponent:
Myth: You need a parent’s permission to get Plan B®.


Fact: You don’t need your parent’s permission to get Plan B®. In fact, teens in every state have the right to obtain Emergency Contraception without parental consent or notification. However, if you are a young woman under age 18, you will need a prescription.

Just interesting, I suppose (or prophetic….).

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