Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Rob Bell Twittering the Gospel, Sort of

Bell is really good at talking (or twitting/writing) long enough to a) sound like he said something and b) say it in a nice way even if it was empty. I think Bell sums up his philosophy with this:

If there is a God, some sort of Divine Being, Mind, Spirit, and all of this is not just some random chance thing, and history has some sort of movement to it, and you have a connection with Whatever—that is awesome.

The splinter for me seems to be that many refer to relegating to an emotion and a feeling rather than the power of Christ and His message (e.g. we feel bad about things we do, not that it’s sin).

Several others had already said it on other sites (and, by the time this comment gets posted, probably here), but a slightly modified version of 1 Cor 15:3 – 4:

Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures…He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures

And why didn’t they call them twits ;-)?

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Texas Craig:

I’ll stick with two things. First, in a nutshell, we don’t rely on something like twitter, but it can certainly be utilized. Twitter (and facebook and e-mail and blog comments) can and should be used as tools, but the Gospel is not about how we state it or where. It’s not about us but about Hiim. Erik Raymond has a great post about making Christ appealing that is not exactly that subject, but that same thought and is spot on.

Second, I think that being concerned about the definition of “sin” and “spirit”, etc. is right. But if someone needs help with sin, salvation, etc., listening to Bell would be far more confusing (although, you would never hear Bell mention those words) since the answer to those questions aren’t in his statements. Bell has a doctrine, and holds to a theology, but never speaks of it or rather, speaks in hidden terms and unending questions (it seems Paul mentioned this to Timothy), is there really a doctrine there? And, while I am not the expert in Bell’s writings and sermons as you are, (in what I’ve read) his aversion to answering questions about beliefs seems to lean more towards shame of stating an absolute as opposed to questioning that, I would hope, is supposed to stimulate defense of the truth.

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Erik Raymond had a great post today about the message of the gospel. I modified for twitter format:

Not a call for us to get busy doing the best we can to please God but a call to realize our sinfulness, to trust one who truly pleases God

I just thought it was a good punch in the arm for me and possibly for others, too.

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My daughter sings a song and it’s a tweet (ha ha):

1 My God is savior
2 His name is Jesus
3 I’m gonna praise him 4 more more more…
1 My God is savior…..etc.

Anyone who knows that song and just sang it will now have it stuck in their heads hopefully :-).

I saw these at 9Marks and found them to be good:

Gospel Haiku

Pure God, sinful man.
Jesus took the penalty.
Trust him or face wrath.

Jesus never sinned, was punished for sin, came to life, and is returning to judge. Eternal life with him is given to all who repent.

By the substitutionary, atoning death of Jesus, God has begun the new creation by forgiving and regenerating all those who through faith repent and submit to Jesus.

I told God: go to Hell.
He did. And brought me out of it.
Knowing Jesus changes everything.

God is the maker, Sin be the plight
The creature is nothing, The Cross be sight
Fly to Christ, Believe and be contrite.

Because you have violated God's law(Rom3:23)you must repent of your sin(Luke13:5)and believe and trust in Jesus Christ alone(Rom10:9).

And, in the spirit of Mr. Bell, the tail end of one of the posts ended this way (note Christ is still woven into the generated conversation):

Also, I find that Twittering a question, about the Gospel, is more effective.
For example, "Do you think that that there is really only one way to heaven, through Jesus Christ?
This would invite a conversation.

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