Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Cost of Education

http://www.boundlessline.org/2009/01/the-cost-of-education.htmlYou know, I’m so torn by the education system these days. This discussion has brought several thoughts to my mind.

1) Why do we just “accept” that it’s OK to think well, it’s government, inefficiencies are the norm? Shouldn’t we expect a little more out of those who lead our country?
2) We should care about the education of others.
a. It nearly always leads to better things.
b. It is a great way to get out (of the cycle of poverty) for those who want to put into it.
c. We should care about the education of, but we should never rely on gov’t to be our giving source (Support is fine, I’d say, but never rely). I read it here, I think, that we, as Christians, should be embarrassed by every dollar spent by the government providing for those in need (as we should). While a bit over-the-top, it’s spot on to highlight this fact.
3) Render to Ceasar gives me some comfort here, however, the state of much of the education system is flowing freely against the grain of Christian thought and is growing increasingly hostile towards Christian thought.
4) But that doesn’t matter since we do live in a democratic society (though some of the recent laws (mandating accredited schooling) rendering homeschooling a non-option puts that at odds, too).
5) If the statistics were true (75% of Americans are Christian), it would make sense that their “cheerful giving” (ala 2 Cor 9) would far surpass that and would likely be a more charitable environment to boot.
6) I’ve heard it argued that government programs (public education being one of them in a sense) tend to impart sluggard tendencies. Can it also be said that we (as Christians) also fall into a trap of not giving because “we gave at the office” (through taxes?)?

Even if you don’t agree with Ted, he brings up a thought-provoking subject.

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